A sample of interviews, conference talks & panels, articles, and podcasts
representing insights and points-of-view on timely topics:
“Cloudy with a Chance of Transformation”
Marik shares perspectives on the drivers and developments of digital transformation featuring multicloud capabilities.
— Thundercat Technology, December 2023
Customer Experience and Digital Transformation Strategies
Marik joined Day 1 & Day 2 panels covering digital transformation strategies, actionable tactics, and pitfalls to avoid, with a focus on global retailers.
— Digital CX Conference, Toronto, November 2022
Marik Brockman on Keynote “CMO Power Panel”
Big CX Challenges, Elegant Digital Solutions - How to elevate your digital customer experience in a post-COVID-19 World.
— Digital CX Conference, March 2022
Marik Brockman Joins the Advisory Board
of I-Institute
Through programs designed to develop and support independent professionals and progressive enterprises, The I Institute educates, trains, and brings together passionate independent leaders and progressive enterprises who will transform the business landscape of tomorrow.
— May 2021
Bravitas Advisory Joins Further Advisory Network
Further Advisory is a boutique consultancy focused on client service with deep relationships grounded in trust. The ability to scale and deliver value to clients is magnified via strategic partnerships with other great independent firms. Intimate engagement, agility, world-class talent, objectivity, and bias toward results, differentiate this network. — April 2021
Marik Brockman Profiled by The I-Institute
“Aside from having more flexibility on how I spend my time now, being an independent consultant enabled me to NOT do at least one thing: Sit in a bunch of other people’s meetings.”
— April 2021
“Insurance in the New Era of Mobility”
— VC Panel Discussion
Marik joins an engaging, live discussion during an evening mixer with industry leaders on emerging topics in shared, electric, and autonomous transportation.
— Avanta Ventures HQ, July 2019, Mountain View, CA
“Next Generation Business Models: Personal Lines Property & Casualty” — Conference Panel Discussion
An overview of digital generation on-demand / connected business models for personal lines auto and home coverages.
— InsurTech Fusion 2019: Rise of a Digital Industry, Silicon Valley Insurance Accelerator
“Surviving the New Paradigm” — Conference Panel Discussion
Innovators discuss their vision and strategies
for redefining the insurance landscape.
— InsurTech Fusion 2019: Rise of a Digital Industry,
Silicon Valley Insurance Accelerator
“Revitalizing a Tradition of Innovation at CSAA Insurance Group”
— Interview with Marik Brockman
After in-sourcing all strategic planning to address the quickening pace of business evolution, the next move was to accelerate innovation in an era of technological and social change.
— Insurance Innovation Reporter
“Insurance Telematics Space Gets Crowded as
Automakers and Startups Join the Fray”
There's a new age of telematics dawning as auto manufacturers, technology companies and startups join insurance providers in the pursuit of connected-car data.
— Digital Insurance
“CSAA Partners with Lyft to Give Rides to Claimants”
The innovative new program is the first of its kind in the U.S., and a forerunner of more innovation and partnerships between the two leaders.
— Insurance Innovation Reporter
“Insurance Expert Talks about Drones, Autonomous Vehicles, Wearables”
— Podcast with Marik Brockman
Technology and innovation are taking us into a 'brave new world'
over the next 10 to 20 years.
— Insurance Journal
“CSAA Prepares for Insurance’s Connected Future”
Insurer's Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer Marik Brockman talks telematics, driverless cars, and working with InsurTech startups.
— Digital Insurance
“What Do You Get When You Combine Drones and Self-Driving Cars?”
The quickening pace of change and the application of new technologies is coming for insurance, attacking multiple parts of the value chain. Technology is largely an enabler, until it’s a disruptor.
— Insurance Journal
“The New Economy, Digital Convergence: Catalyst for Insurance Innovation” — Presentation by Marik Brockman
Hear about the drivers of disruptive business models in insurance and InsurTech.
— Insurance Disrupted 2016, Silicon Valley Insurance Accelerator
“The Reshaping of Auto Insurance” — PoV by Marik Brockman
Strong forces that will reshape the sector include shifts to new types of coverage, alternative distribution channels, and redefined customer segments.
— InformationWeek
"Insuring the Developing World"
The number of companies involved in, and the number of individuals covered by, microinsurance products has grown meaningfully in the past five years, but challenges remain.
— Risk & Insurance
"Insurers Tread a Ticklish Line Using Humor in Marketing"
Humorous marketing is increasingly becoming the dominant way to nab consumers' attention, but insurers face extra concerns when it comes to offending their audience.
— A.M. Best via InsuranceNewsNet
“Data Visualization: Three Ways to Prove Business Value through Visualization” — a PoV by Marik Brockman and Jamie Yoder
Three ways the insurance and financial services industries can leverage new data sources, data visualization tools, and data models to create powerful market intelligence. — TIBCO Blog